Monday, January 25, 2010

I like to eat, eat, eat Pringles & Kit Kats

Sung to the tune of "I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas." Psh, if only.

I started McFatty Monday with Heir to Blair a while back but didn't really have a chance to really get into thanks to our lovely pipe problem and not being home. However, now I'm going o full force. I am definitely an emotional eater, I don't need to even question that. When I feel down, I reach for salty and sweet. Come on, what's better?! So no more. This week I am going to try to be more conscience about what I eat. Perhaps I'll have the same success she's had. I'd love to see that scale take a downward turn.

Goal this week: 30 minute shred at least 3 days this week.

1 comment:

  1. I like to art art art
    Prarngles & Kart Karts

    thank you for turning my Monday morning into a little bit of silly :) You can totally do 3 days this week. I think I will attempt the same!
