Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tweet tweet

To twitter, twit, er, tweet or not? That is the question. I'm contemplating joining twitter but not sure I want to get into the obsession that it entails.

So...should I join or run for the hills and stay in my non twitter bubble?


  1. LOL this made me giggle on the way to work when I saw this. Awesome Shari.

    Btw, bubbles rock!

  2. Daisy says the same thing...ruff, bubbles, bubbles, I LOVE bubbles!!!!

  3. Btw, I didn't catch the initial bubble reference and now it's even funnier!! I forgot I said something about a bubble and thought you were being totally random Shari! LOL. I'm naturally blonde, I swear!

  4. omg, u jest. I know I'm not a natural blonde & that level of randomness would've been worthy of a permanent color change lol
