"but it's worth it all
just to hear them say that they care
she works hard for the money
so hard for the money"

Nic gave me this beautiful award! My first!! Thanks so much honey. Unfortunately you've already tagged Shar, and I don't really think anyone else reads my blog so I can't pass it on.
I've been seriously neglecting this as of late due to work. It's been hectic to the extreme and there were so many days I just wanted to throw my hands up and give up and quit. Seriously, if I could I would. They say ignorance is bliss. In this case, it definitely is. I would be ok working my butt off at my job if I had the knowledge that people who get paid more than me in higher positions are fulfilling their positions and earning their dollars as well. This is definitely not the case. I've hit a brick wall with frustration and I so badly want a job closer to home but the huge drawback to that is the significant cut in pay which sucks.
Anywho, my baby is growing up so fast! Chris is in a new job and loves it so far. Last weekend it was 66 (OMG!!) degrees outside and we went to Stone Mountain to get outside then to the mountains to visit with some family.
I just got a new book called "Bitches on a Budget" and I'm so excited about it. I'm all about finding great fashion at a great price. I recently got this great outfit at dots for $35. Included in this outfit was: a dress, long cardigan, and matching earrings and a necklace. a.m.a.z.i.n.g. for $35 if you ask me! They have so many other looks and I just might have to redo my wardrobe and start accessorizing more. Oh and Nic, they have one in Dayton, since you're the Fashionista, I demand you check it out stat! They have a cool interactive closet that lets you put looks together that I could spend hours on. Enjoy.
We have a Dots too! I need to go in there and really peruse the aisles :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your work situation and I do hope something better comes along...your weekend sounds like it was awesome!
Hey, Aunt Gail reads your blog. Maybe not daily but a couple of times a month at least. Don't worry. Things will get better and they grow up so fast, so just enjoy this time and let the unimportant things slide (do you really need clean clothes EVERYDAY??? and vacuuming is REALLY over-rated!!!). Know that there are lots of people out there who love you and are there for you NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou mom reads them too! Hey, they have great purses at DOTS as well...we know for a fact don't we rayray...anywho, aunt gail comes this weekend and I don't care that my house looks like an episode of HOARDING, Buried alive. Some days I feel buried alive...just remember baby, it's a job, not your child, your husband or your parents, it just extra baggage that you leave at the door when you leave the office...love ya!