Friday, April 2, 2010

Prayer in a frantic world

Happy Easter everyone!!

My life isn't what most would consider frantic. Especially when compared to Miss's frantic world. If you haven't checked out her blog, please do. She inspires me everyday to take a moment and breathe and pray. Everything else will fall in step after that, no matter how frantic.
I have found through the years, especially in the past couple years, that prayer is an absolutely necessity. There isn't a day when I don't pray; whether it's for myself, a friend, a coworker, family, a girl on my mommy board, a random stranger I follow on a blog, anyone or anything. Sometimes I just thank God for everything I have because all too often it's so easy to lose sight of everything I've been blessed with. No matter how crazy life gets or even how alone I sometimes feel in this big world, I can pray and know I'm not alone. I haven't been to church in a long time and would love to find a church that as a family we could attend on a regular basis. It'd mean waking up earlier on a weekend morning, which my husband won't be at all thrilled about (and secretly I'll be sad about) but I think it would be good for us.

Miss said it best
"After all, that is exactly what Jesus did the day he was going to be arrested,
put on trial, FLOGGED
and then die by suffocation while nailed upon a cross
and yet...he prayed
and so...I pray."


  1. Happy Easter! Prayer is the works for me EVERY TIME. Miss u!

  2. Ah this makes me so proud and thankful that I was chosen to be your mother...I love you!!!
